Book Title: Let's Pretend This Never Happened (A Mostly True Memoir)
Author: Jenny Lawson
Version: Hardback
ISBN: 9780399159015
Published: April 17th, 2012
Number of Pages: 318
Genre: Humorous Memoir
REVIEW: Let's get real here people, this. Book. Is. AWESOME! That's right, I said it, this book is awesome. I'm not really sure what else to say about it. So this is it. My whole review. See ya all later....
Ok just kidding that's not really it, I just thought that I would do a little bit of what Jenny Lawson does so who you can get a taste of how fun it is to read it. This book is non-stop hilarious and it's written oh so well. Ms. Lawson has such a fun and crazy voice that you kind of fall in love with her from the very first page. And here I want to put in a warning, you will laugh out loud while reading this book. I mean like a lot, almost the whole time you are reading this book, you will be laughing out loud so be prepared for weird looks and worried glances. Believe me though it will be worth it.
The book starts with Ms. Lawson's very strange childhood where dead animals and throwing bobcats is just your average Saturday. Growing up in such an environment one can hardly blame her for becoming a blogger worried about the zombie apocalypse and whether or not she put the right soap in the dishwasher. Even though Ms. Lawson's childhood was so strange it made me grimace at times I laughed so much and so hard that I also found myself wishing I had, had a childhood like that. I mean sure I grew up with a quartet of goats names after the Beatles and learned to hypnotize chickens before I was in middle school and had the terrifying experience of being gobbled at by a mama Turkey when I was three but that is nothing compared to a talking squirrel.
I know that there is no way I can do this books justice here so I just want to say go out and get yourself a copy because this book really is awesome. There is so much humor and life in the book that you want to read it all the time and at the same time you want to savor it and make it last. I laughed so hard through most of the book that after awhile I stopped worrying if people were watching me laugh at Jenny's chapter titled "Thanks for the Zombies, Jesus." I loved this book and that is pretty much all there is to it. I thought that this book was hilarious and I think that you should go out and discover that for yourself. This is worth it and let me tell you if laughter is the best medicine your prescription is about to be filled. "Let's Pretend This Never Happened" by Jenny Lawson has officially made my must read list!