I am starting this blog to review the books and movies that I love, hate and love to hate. Each post will be about a different book or movie or series. This is something that I have wanted to do for quite awhile but have never actually gotten around to doing. But here I am. I have my good friend to thank for inspiring me to finally do it. So here it is. The first post.
I am going to start off by talking about one of the most popular series that is around right now. And that is the Twilight series written by Stephenie Meyer. We all know what it is whether we are willing to admit that or not. Because of it's utterly insane popularity I am not going to spend any time talking about what it is about. I'm just gonna go straight in to the story of how I came across it and how I feel about it.
I had been hearing about it for sometime before I finally decided to just go out and buy the first book. Mainly I did it to just get everybody off my back but I found that I was intrigued by it. This was way before the movies came out, even before the fourth book came out. So it wasn't just the hype that was pulling me onward. Anyway I admit freely that I enjoyed the books. Then I read them again and still I found that I was interested. And then the movies started coming out and I was ashamed that I enjoyed the books. I read them again. And again. The funny thing of it is the more I read them the more I realized how bad they were. I know enough about good writing to have realized right away that these weren't the most well written books, nor were they the most original story ever. I did enjoy that Stephenie Meyer wrote the vampires in a different way then most of what's out there. I liked that they had powers and are "vegatarians," and I like any writer that lets their vampires out in the day. Also I would like to state here and now that no matter what happens or what people say I love Emmett and Alice. I also enjoy Carlisle and Esme. Other then that all the others can go "suck an elf."
Anyway the more I read the books, the more I realized just how bad they were. And the movies are just awful. The actors are terrible and the whole production just takes themselves waay too seriously. I guess my point is that these books are just not very good. However I understand the thrill and appeal that they hold for young teenage girls. The dark unattainable bad boy. It's a phase that all people go through. Plus they think that the guys in the films are hot. It's rather unfortuate that this is so but it is the way it is. And I have to say to those out there that "hate this shit" and think it is all super stupid that the more you hate the more the lovers are gonna stand their ground. So just let it all go. This craziness that is Twilight mania will soon be over and done with. Hopefully.
To those out there who are looking for a different take on vampires check out Christopher Pike's "Last Vampire" series. Just the first 6 books. He's got more coming out but I just don't know about them. Also there is Charline Harris's Sookie Stackhouse novels. Forget "True Blood" focus on the books. Those are good. I'll review them in another entry. But that is a great way to go. Also Mary Janice Davidson's "Undead..." series. The main character is really quite a hoot. They may be filed under the romance section of most bookstores but ignore that and you find a treasure.
In the movie area of vampires it's hard to find something with a "good" vampire but there are good vampire movies. "The Lost Boys" is a favorite of mine, there is "John Carpenter's Vampires" and of course there is "Bram Stoker's Dracula." Always an amazing film to watch, despite poor Keeanu Reeves.
Well there it is. My first official post. There will be more to come. Talking about more books and more movies. And more books that have become movies. If you have anything to add or contadict or anything to say on this subject at all please share with me and I am very open to hearing about other books or movies in this area. Any titles in the vampire area that you feel need to get mentioned, go ahead and mention! If you hate me completely on principle because of this post I would just like to ask this. Try me again. Because I promise I do not hate all books that are geared toward the Young Adult crowd. (Note: From now on when speaking of Young Adult Fiction I will simply be saying Y.A.F)
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