I know that it has been quite awhile but I have had a lot going on. And yes there have been movies, as well as books that I probably should have posted about but I have decided to write about but I didn't. And though there are movies I should post about but I think I am going to post about a book. Not just any book and honestly not one that I have read recently, a little controversial I know, but a book that I loved reading. It is a non-fiction book, mostly, titled "The Devil In The White City" by Eric Larson.
In the author's notes in the back of the book he admits that in a few places he took artistic liberties due to no substantial record of certain conversations but the majority of the book is all fact. Anyway the book is about the World Fair which took place in Chicago in the 1800's. During the prep and building of the fair a man moved in to the city. A man named Dr. H.H. Holmes who turned out to be a serial killer. Dr. Holmes bought a building a short distance from the final sight for the fair. Because of the excitment of the fair the "doctor" was able to lure young, single, impressionable women to his "hotel" and slowly torture and kill them.
The book not only follows Dr. H.H. Holmes's exploits and interests but it follows the construction of the very large fair from the very first bid for Chicago to be the ultimate site to the very last ticket sold. It is a truly amazing feat that the architects and workers undertook. Many died due to fires, buildings collapsing and countless other mishaps that occured during the building of the fair. It was truly unbelieveable some of the things that these people had to do in order to put together what later became known as "The White City." The tales intertwine and throughout the book we meet many of the people that put together one of the greatest fairs ever seen. It's a true experience.
When it comes to non-fiction books I usually have a hard time sticking to reading just that. I have to have a fiction book to keep me interested. But this book was so full of intrigue and supremely interesting facts about construction. And it was written so well that I read through the book as if it were a fascinating fiction novel. I think it took me a week to read through the whole thing. Which considering how busy I am most weeks that's pretty fast. It combines mystery, drama, and facts perfectly. The whole thing written with great care to detail and at times even soaring poetry.
For any architecture buff or history lover, anyone that is morbidly curious about a serial killer who marred one of the US's greatest moments with death then the is the book for you. It's more than just a non-fiction book about the Chicago's World Fair it's a mystery that keeps you hanging on until the very end. I give "The Devil In The White City" a very high recommendation. I hope you all enjoy it as well.
I have a copy of the book - your review will inspire me to read it... Thank you