Sunday, November 18, 2012

"Sad Desk Salad"-Jessica Grose

Book Title: Sad Desk Salad
Author: Jessica Grose
Version: ebook
ISBN: 978006218839
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
Published: October 2, 2012
Number of Pages: 304
Genre: Fiction (Most likely 'chick-lit')

SYNOPSIS: Alex Lyons pretty much has just about everything she ever wanted. A cute, on-his-way-to-being-a-huge-success boyfriend, an apartment that is tiny and dingy and that they both love in the city of her dreams, New York, and a job that is right up her alley. Or so she believes. She is an assistant editor on an increasingly popular website called Chick Habit. Basically she gets paid to write on a daily basis, the more hits the better for her career and the bitchier she is the more hits she gets. Despite the fact that she hasn't showered, seen more than the bodega across the street or changed out of the poncho she's been wearing for days on end everything seems to be going great.

As things begin to get more and more tense with her boss demanding more and more page views Alex begins looking for whatever dirt she can on anyone. When she receives an anonymous email with a video featuring the daughter of a very prominent celebrity who is running for office. In the video this young lady is not only scantily clad but also engaging in illegal activities. Alex is suddenly pushed between a rock with shards sticking out of it and a hard place that is slowly closing in. She knows that posting the video would be Chick Habit gold but is she willing to risk ruining this young girl's life just to get a higher number of page views?

The more Alex weighs her options, eventually getting pushed into it, the more she starts to lose sight of what is important in life. She begins staying out all night, ignoring her amazing boyfriend, even ignoring her fabulous mother and generally letting her life crumble around her. But her job life is becoming more and more fantastic, and the question that Alex has to ask herself is which is more important, her job or her sanity?

REVIEW: I don't read chick-lit all that often and now I remember why. Maybe it's just me and my tastes run more towards something with more meat but this was really pretty bad. I mean I read it because I thought that the story sounded interesting and as a blogger my curiosity was peaked. I'm not going to say that it was a bad book but it wasn't necessarily a good book either. I found it lacking, a lot.

The writing was pedestrian and the story wasn't good enough to make up for it. All around the book was not so much a disappointment as it wasn't worth being disappointed in. I guess I'm just not much for this genre because although I read it all the way through I was bored and felt that even the main character was too annoying to care about. There wasn't much to root for through out the book and I feel that with a book such as this you have to have something or someone to root for.

I don't really have that much else to say about the book. I didn't really like it and felt that all around it was boring and eventually not worth it. I say with this one it is ok to skip it and find yourself a different book, maybe one that has a slightly better story or is written better. Maybe even one that has a cast of characters that you want to root for. It's a shame because I think that every once in a while a fun light-hearted book is a great read. This one was just not that unfortunately.

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