Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Author Interview #3-Victoria Kante

Hey guys, I must be doing something half-way okay because here is a third author interview. And I am very excited about it! I hope that you will be too! This goes along with the review I posted on June 7th, Loving Marcus. Please read, enjoy and go out and buy her book! 

1) What inspires you to write?

      I began writing when I was a young teenager. It was my way of expressing my feelings and the things I saw happening around me. Over the years, it became a comfortable habit and after taking several creative writing classes in college, I was told by my professors that I had a gift for storytelling, especially when it came to my journals! 

2)  You mentioned that this was a personal story for you, what is it that is personal for you?

         Unfortunately, many people who have been close to my heart, have suffered with and succumbed to cancer. I believe this was my way of working through what they went through and to show how difficult it is to make choices when their life is at stake, knowing how it will affect the people who love them. 

3) This is a very emotional story, so full of sadness, what made you want to write about such an intense topic?

      It wasn't really that I wanted to, or chose to. The topic picked me. I have stories in my head all the time and the characters come to life on the pages of their own free will. I know this sounds strange, but when I sit down to write, the story unravels without any forethought. 

4) Do you have any authors that really move you?

    The authors who have moved me the most are Harper Lee, "To Kill a Mockingbird", any works of C.S. Lewis, William Golding, "Lord of the Flies" and of course more recently, Nicholas Sparks and Danielle Steel are excellent story tellers. 

5) You once told me you were a storyteller, have you always been one or is this something new that has developed?

      I've always enjoyed storytelling. When I was younger, I would entertain my two little sisters (yes, sometimes it was strictly meant to scare them to death!) and I raised my children telling them stories at bedtime. 

6)  Can we expect to see more from you soon? I know I'm looking forward to seeing what is next, so I hope it's soon! 

        I'm working on a modern novel about a young American Indian woman who has moved away from her family and is struggling to create a life for herself. It's very different from my first novel! I'm hopeful that it will be ready by the end of the summer.

And there it is folks, another interview for your viewing pleasure. Remember I'm still getting the hang of actually being able to interview authors so forgive me if this is a little short or not quite as back and forth as most interviews. I'm trying and also it's still an interview with an awesome author so be grateful for that! I know I am, and with that a very special thank you to Ms. Victoria Kante for her time and the wonderful novel she wrote. I can't wait for her next book! Watch for a review here! 


  1. I really enjoy the interviews. I especially like meeting the new emerging authors. I looking forward to a few more... fun stuff.

    1. Glad you enjoy them! And thanks for saying so! I like them as well, I hope to be doing a lot more of them so they will just keep getting better and better.
