Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Mime Order-Samantha Shannon

Alright so I am not really going to tell you guys what the book is about. Because that would be cheating and revealing way too much information that would no doubt ruin the book. So I am going to be magnanimous and say nothing about the story or what happens to Paige after she escaped from Sheol 1. I'm not going to say anything about what happens when she sees Jaxon again or what 'The Mime Order' is. I'm not gonna say anything about anything. Well except what I felt about it.

In short it was amazing. 100% edge of your seat, can't stop reading, heart racing, page turning amazing. Samantha Shannon is a force of nature as we saw in her debut novel 'The Bone Season,' (reviewed here) but she has surpassed herself with her second novel. She has grown as a writer by leaps and bounds, and I just know that she is going to continue to do so. With this second novel she was able to more seamlessly blend action and dialogue. Her down moments weren't too slow or overly drawn out, every bit of the book was crafted just so and I couldn't stop reading or thinking about it.

The story was of course incredible as we knew it would be. So much was brought into the light in this tale and Paige alone was fleshed out so much more. She became so very real and so three dimensional that she leapt off the page and I fell in love with her even more. Paige turned into a character that you not only rooted for but someone that I wanted to meet, to help and I wanted nothing more to be in there with her fighting the good fight. I felt like everything became much more intricate and well put together in this second adventure. And I have to tell you I was so very swept away this time, I mean don't get me wrong I loved the first book so much, but because Ms. Shannon has grown so much as a writer 'The Mime Order' is even better. I really can't wait to see where Samantha Shannon takes us next.

This time around the characters were even fuller and richer than in 'The Bone Season.' This was really a great chance for Ms. Shannon to take already great characters and really flesh them out turn them into unforgettable and truly incredible people. Each character became so much more real and likeable or unlikable as the case may be. If characters can leap off the page and make me feel something viscerally I know that the author has done a superb job in creating them. And every character in 'The Mime Order' leapt off those pages and made me feel something. Samantha Shannon really did a great job bringing her characters to life and I think that with each book she is only going to get better and better.

I know, I know I was super vague and annoying. But I really did it for you guys, I didn't want to give anything away. This is the kind of book that even the slightest detail would be too much so I kept it vague and short. Trust me when you read it, it comes out January 2015, you will thank me for not giving anything away. Because guys this book is so good and reading it the first time will be mind blowing and absolutely wonderful. Be ready dear readers because co me January 2015 all your lives will get better because Samantha Shannon's 'The Mime Order' will be out. Make sure to set aside a couple days where you do nothing but read because once you start there will be no stopping. With this book sleep is for the weak.

1 comment:

  1. You hit the nail on the head. Everyone should be so pumped to read the book after this review!
