Thursday, July 12, 2012

"The Raven Boys"-Maggie Stiefvater

Book Title: The Raven Boys
Author: Maggie Stiefvater
Version: ARC
Publication Date: September 18, 2012
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Number of Pages: 908
Genre: Teen/YA Fantasy

SYNOPSIS: In a world where the most important thing in a teens life is whether or not they have the right car and the most up-to-date cell phone, Blue Sargent can be considered an outsider. For her the most important thing in life is making sure she never falls in love and never kisses a guy, there-by avoiding killing him. Living in a house full of seers and psychics has become run of the mill for Blue just as having everyone of them warn her that her first kiss with her true love will kill him. Although Blue has never had the same talents as her mother she has a rather unique talent of her own. While in the presence of Blue whatever magic is around is magnified making it easier for her mother or whichever psychic is using her to do a reading or see the dead on St. Mark's Eve. 

Every year Blue has sat next to her mother in the cemetery enhancing Maura's ability to see the line of soon-to-be-dead souls. This year one of Blue's 'aunts' Neeve has taken up the watch and brought Blue along with her. Thinking this is just going to be a year like any other Blue is startled when she actually sees a spirit boy on the line. Surprised and a little unnerved Blue goes up to the boy and asks his name, he at first seems to be so dazed that he wanders off without responding. Following him Blue asks again for his name, finally at the entrance to an abandoned church he looks right at her and mutters 'Gansey.' With this knowledge Blue becomes determined to find out all she can about this mysterious boy and hopefully prevent his death. 

Meanwhile the real, very much alive Gansey, a rich, intense, student at the very prestigious Aglionby School, is trying to figure out the very strange experience he had. He went out on St. Mark's Eve with a tape recorder hoping to record some ghostly voices. What he recorded instead was a girl's voice asking 'what's your name' and his voice replying 'Gansey.' Putting this on his list of things to figure out he calls his best friends and tells them all about it. They decide to make an appointment with a psychic named Maura to get some answers. 

When Blue hears that a boy named Gansey has made an appointment with her mother she begins to get nervous. Wondering who this boy is and what it could possibly mean that she saw him on St. Mark's Eve. When Gansey shows up to her house with his friends, Adam and Ronan, they all realize who's voice it was on the recorder. Joining together the new friends embark on an adventure that is not only an adventure of a lifetime but one that takes all of them into a darker and deeper place then they ever expected. 

REVIEW: I know that there isn't much to the synopsis but this is such an intricate book and so full of mystery that I felt as if I had to keep a lot hidden. I guess you'll just have to go out and buy it in September to find out the details. 

This was a surprisingly great book. I got it at the book expo that I attended last month and although I was interested it didn't scream out at me. As I have said before I don't usually read YA/Teen books so I was sceptical. But as soon as I started reading and realized it was dark and full of mystical and spiritual stuff I was hooked. The story was full bodied and amazingly put together. It was the perfect blend of fantasy, fiction, darkness and mystery. I found that the story hooked me so well that I was unable to put the book down. The mark of a truly great read.

The writing was superb and that's really all there is to that. Maggie Stiefvater has a voice that is unlike any that I have come across before. It is dark and beautiful in a perfect combination that makes it extremely difficult to put the book down. Ms. Stiefvater's writing was so well balanced and put together that this is a book that I will not only remember for a very long time but made it a book that I am sure to pick up again.

I highly recommend this book to everyone. It is a book that I think will speak to people of all ages and of all temperaments. I have to say that this is one of those books that you should mark your calender about and go out and buy as soon as it's released. Spend the money on the hardback or the ebook and let yourself in for a really fantastic adventure.    


  1. I read they other day that she started writing it eleven years ago.

    1. Wow. Hadn't heard that. That's a lot of years to get it good.

  2. I am not sure if I will read this one, but the premiss seems great. Living in an environment where the psychic powers are everyday. That is interesting, at some point those powers merely become another form of observation. I am intrigued. Maybe .... maybe not, I will read this YA themed book. It would be a first for me.

    1. I love the idea that there is a world that where psychic powers are the norm. And I love that you are even just considering reading this YA. If you are going to start reading YA this is where to do it.
