Thursday, August 23, 2012

"Picture Perfect"-Jodi Picoult

Book Title: Picture Perfect
Author: Jodi Picoult
Version: Paperback
ISBN: 9780425185506
Published: July 22, 2002
First Published: March 21st, 1995
Publisher: Berkley Trade
Voice: Third and First Person
Genre: Fiction

SYNOPSIS: Cassie Barrett seems to have literally hit the jackpot of life. She is world renowned in her field of anthropology, and is married to one of Hollywood's best loved actors Alex Rivers. One night Cassie wakes up on a grave in a cemetery somewhere with no memory as to who she is or what she is doing there. A Lakota police officer named Will Flying Horse and shelters her until Alex shows up to take her home. Despite having no actual memory of life with Alex everything seems perfect when she gets home. As her memories begin to come back to her she realizes that things aren't always like they seem.

Cassie remembers their whirlwind romance on a movie set in Tanzania. How she watched him from afar and slowly fell in love with his wit, charm, good looks and kindness. She remembers how surprised she was when he started showing interest in her, an anthropologist who spent most of her time covered in dirt down a hole rather than on the red carpet. Cassie remembers how Alex literally swept her off her feet and convinced her to marry him. She remembers being sublimely happy and in love and believing that she really had found her prince.

Cassie also begins to remember how Alex would get angry and jealous and would beat her. And when Cassie sees a positive pregnancy test in her bathroom trash she suddenly remembers why it is she finally got up the nerve to walk out on Alex. When she realizes what that means Cassie knows that in order to protect herself and her baby she has to walk away for good. It's figuring out how she is going to do that, that gives Cassie her greatest pause.

REVIEW: You may be asking yourself why it is that I am reviewing an "older" book. Well I love Jodi Picoult and really that is all there is to it. I read this book a long time ago but I felt that it was time to review it because I enjoy going back to review books I read awhile ago. Plus to be honest I have already reviewed all the newest books I've read so here this is.

As always Jodi Picoult brings her beautifully unique voice to a normally untold story. Spousal abuse is something that is unfortunately a very common occurrence in the world but nobody talks about it. And Ms. Picoult looks at this topic wide her eyes wide open and without flinching. At least in the way she writes the tale there is no flinching I'm sure that it was a difficult thing to research. Anyway this is a story that should be told and here it is told in a literal spotlight. The story is tragic and encouraging in turns and making it a celebrity was a stroke of genius on Ms. Picoult's part. As a society we look up to and revere celebrities, especially actors, which makes the story that much more of a draw. 

Ms. Picoult's writing was, as it always is, superb. The way she described the joy that Cassie felt as she was falling in love made me smile. And her ability to write the scenes where Cassie was beaten with just as much poetry made me cringe and want to weep. Her writing is something that is unique and in my opinion untouchable. But in such a down to earth way. It is no wonder that I love her writing more than just about any other author I've come across.

I have said it a few times before now and I am going to say it again. I recommend any and all of Jodi Picoult's novels. This is one of her more memorable for me for some reason. I love all of her novels just about equally but there are a few that really stick with me and this is one of them. It is probably because some of them are deeper and darker than others. I loved this book and I highly recommend it to someone just starting out with Jodi Picoult because it is an excellent preview of all her talent.

More Female Voices:

"Between the Lines"                   "Then Came You"

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